Friday, February 26, 2016

Reading App: Helped Me Teach My Kid

More than two years ago, my daughter at almost four years old, was still having a hard time to read.  I was really busy then because I was still within my four-year training period.  I hardly can find the time to read or teach with her before we have to hit the sack at night.  So I just have to aim for a high-yield technique on how to teach her.

I came across the HOMER app in the App Store.  And I just had to try it as an audiovisual aid during reading practices at night.  It didn't work on its own. We still have to guide our kids to read the sound of the letter together with other letters.  With this app, she can even use it on her own challenging herself (without seeming like it) whenever I'm not around.

The more she makes mistakes, the more I'm driven to teach her.

I love to read.  I don't want her to miss that kind of enjoyment in her future.

I'm sharing this link along with the promo code that I got in my mail.  I don't need it anymore but some mothers/teachers might find a use for it.

Homer: Learn To Read

and the promo code to use for a discounted purchase is YEAR50RETURN

It's around US$50.00 instead of the US$95.40 you have to pay for one full year of subscription.  I assure you it's worth the money.  Hope you and your kids enjoy this.

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